Joey served in the United States Army from 1982- 1986. He worked in Security and Intelligence Headquarters III Corps and deployed to Honduras during the Regan Administration. The Army developed skills such as discipline and structure that he really needed to develop further professionally and he took pride and honor in my service to my country. He carried his companies colors becoming HHC 89th MP Brigades guidon barrier. After the service he went back home and started a family. He has one son Jeff. Joey has worked in construction for over 25 years and had my own Construction Business Top Dog Construction, but he went through a very dark time. He got addicted to crystal meth and lost everything including those he loved and cared for. Beginning of 2018, having hit rock bottom, he checked myself into the Los Angeles VA. This is when he was introduced to Merging Vets And Players (MVP). MVP has been very important his recovery. Working out hard and physically with MMA instructors and other veterans is an outlet for his violent past behaviors. He says being able to sit down with one another after the workout and say anything is a therapeutic session unmeasurable. MVP is a family that he has become to love very much it will continue to be one of the tools he uses in his recovery. He is getting all the things back that he lost thanks to supportive services of the VA and MVP
Veteran of the Week: Joey Urrea
May 31, 2018 at 11:49 AM