Headed to today's open Training Camp presented by UNIFY Financial Credit Union practice at UC Irvine? Here's what you need to know before you go.

Before departing
Theme: Rams Legends
Giveaway: Rams Legends poster, while supplies last
Gates open at 2:45 p.m., with practice beginning at 4:25 p.m.
Click here for parking information, and click here for the parking map. Click here to view the Training Camp map.
When you get there
- The Main Fan Plaza features a merchandise tent, DJ, season ticket booth, information tent, and Rams Legends photo and autographs brought to you by UNIFY
- The Family Zone includes a video game truck, 40-yard dash, Rams Football Academy tent, prize wheel, face paint, balloon art, broad jump and vertical jump.
- The Concessions Area features a variety of food trucks. More information on those food trucks here.
Visiting theRams.com/trainingcamp for additional information, including parking, frequently asked questions and a map of camp.
If you can't make it
Radio: Fans not at camp can listen to ESPN LA from their car (710AM) or the ESPN LA app. ESPN LA's hosts will be doing a "normal" broadcast but mentioning that they are live down at training camp, speak to what's going on at the field, how the Rams are looking, and interviewing Legends/players/coaches when available.