Headed to today's open practice at 2022 Rams Training Camp presented by UNIFY Financial Credit Union at UC Irvine? Here's what you need to know before you go.

Before departing
Giveaway: Rams poster, while supplies last.
On-stage Entertainment: DJ Mal-Ski
Photos & Autograph Opportunities: Rams Legends
Gates open: 11:30 a.m., with practice beginning at 12:30 p.m. Click here to claim your free tickets.
Click here for parking information, and click here for the parking map. Click here to view the Training Camp map.
When you get there
- The Main Fan Plaza features the Vince Lombardi Trophy, Main Stage, Ticketing Booth, Bench Press Challenge, Merchandise Tent and Rams Legends Photos and Autographs brought to you by UNIFY.
- The Family Zone includes a video game truck, touchdown celebration station, 40 yard dash, broad jump challenge, vertical jump challenge, prize wheel, face paint and balloon art.
- The Concession Area features cheeseburgers, hot dogs, burritos, nachos and more.
Visiting theRams.com/trainingcamp for additional information, including parking, frequently asked questions and a map of camp.