During a time of mandatory social distancing, Team Reporter, Sarina Morales will feature players who has picked up a new interest, tried something new, or dusted off an old hobby. This week, linebacker, Micah Kiser, tells us about his new XBox and O-lineman, Brian Allen tells us about his new ride.

Sarina: Why an Xbox?
Micah: Mostly to connect with my brother (who is in New York City), and then some of my friends from school are on Xbox Live. It's cool to just waste time on.
Sarina: Why Call of Duty?
Micah: It's the game everyone is playing and I'm way too late in the game to get into Fortnite, haha. I'm not trying to get destroyed by some 12-year-old kid!
Sarina: As a newbie, what is the funniest part of this new hobby? What was the first day like?
Micah: Just how bad I am and how out of touch you can get with technology when you don't use it in so long. I'm super impatient [playing] and will just run out and force the issue and get killed off just being an idiot.
Sarina: What is your recommendation for someone trying out a new hobby?
Micah: Just have fun with things and keep an open mind. I've done a little reading, started walking/jogging, playing Xbox, started cooking more. Honestly just becoming more well-rounded and expanding my mind feels pretty healthy. I'm having fun doing it.

Sarina: When did you get it?
Brian: Last week. She's a beauty.
Sarina: Why a bike?
Brian: Because I'm bored and have nothing to do, haha. I ride it to get lunch and stuff.
Sarina: How many miles you put on that puppy?
Brian: Probably about 10 right now, not too many. I usually ride to Chipotle and back. I put my speaker in the basket and jam out, and then put the food in it and ride home.
Sarina: Does the bike have a name?
Brian: Not yet, I'm waiting for the name to come to me. You can't force those things.