Andrew Kulick has been going to Rams games since the Coliseum had benches for seats.
When the Cleveland Rams became the Los Angeles Rams, his father became a Season Ticket Member, and he started taking Kulick soon after he was born.
Kulick never missed a home game, and even traveled to a few games in St. Louis when the Rams called it home.
Rams football was where Kulick and his father really bonded, learning life lessons he passes on to his own children today.
"Most importantly to never give up your dreams.'"
"Never give up your dreams."
Kulick was robbed of more lessons and time together when his father was murdered in 1992.
"He never got to see our Rams win the Super Bowl or the team return to Los Angeles. His legacy is my legacy and it's my son and daughter who will carry on my legacy."
"His legacy is my legacy."
While his father never got to see the Rams win a Super Bowl, Kulick couldn't deny his presence at Super Bowl XXXIV.
"As Mike Jones made the tackle securing the win with no time left on the clock, I fell to my knees, crying. My wife kneeled down across from me, put her arms on my shoulder, lifted my head and said the words I waited to hear for 43 years, 'You're a Super Bowl Champion!'"
"You're a Super Bowl Champion!"
As tears of joy continued to flow down his cheeks, Kulick felt a spirit in the air.
"A feeling that overcame me, a smile, a face looking upon me from the heavens...it was my dad. I raised my index finger high up, we're number one and said, 'Dad that's for you, that's for you!'"
There was never a moment when Kulick's children could not feel the weight of their grandfather's and father's legacy.
Their house used to be decked in Rams gear top to bottom until one day Kulick's wife drew the line.
"I was forced to turn my office into what I call the adjoining Rams museum."
In that office is a six-foot by four-foot watercolor painting print of Aaron Donald across from where he sits in his Rams office chair. A storage unit houses the rest of his memorabilia that couldn't fit in his office.
As for gamedays, it's not only the players that get suited up.
"Gameday is all Rams— Rams suit, tie, jacket and pants, underwear (yes I have Rams underwear), socks and Rams shoes and horned hat. Everything must be perfect."
Kulick has been on TV and is regularly recognized by people for his appearances as a Superfan.
"My passion is something I embrace instead of running away from it."
Away games are not a time to slack for the Kulick family either, even when his daughter is at college.
"My son is with me at all times, my daughter gets texts messages because she's my 'turnover girl' meaning that when she gets my text it's time for her to concentrate and focus on getting us a turnover."
Now, Kulick sees his younger self when watching with his son.
"Believe or not, I have mellowed over the years, but my son...he's just like I was at his age, slamming doors when there's a bad play, kneeling in prayer for a 57-yard field goal to send the Rams to the Super Bowl. My wife says, 'He's just like you!'"
Rams football isn't just an obsession, for Kulick it's a way of life.
"When I sit down to write my memoir, the words on the page will be in the only language I know, Rams football."
Safe to say, neither Kulick's father nor his own legacy will ever be forgotten.